Compliance Dosett Grid Report
The Compliance Dosett Grid report is formatted for printing on 6 7x14cm adhesive Compliance labels. It provides a list of a patient's Compliance Pack prescriptions and uses a grid format to display the dosages for each prescription. A maximum of four prescriptions can fit on a label.
For a prescription to appear on the report:
The patient must be flagged as Compliance Pack in the Patient Folder Programs tab.
The prescription must be flagged as Compliance Pack in Rx Detail.
The patient must be active.
The prescription must be active with a Complete, Amend, Amend Next, Hold, or Cancelled status.
Start Date - specifies the start date for the first week grid. If more than 1 week is entered in the Extended Criteria, the date ranges for the subsequent weeks are calculated based off the start date.
Patient - generates the report for the specified patient.
Group - generates the report for patients in the specified group.
Cycle/Wing/Area/Floor - generates the report for patients on the specified cycle, wing, area, or floor as entered in the Group Folder Patients tab.
Copies - dictates how many copies of the report are generated. Up to 9 copies can be entered.
# of Weeks - generates the report for the specified number of weeks. Each label is assigned to a week and displays the week number. The quantity for each prescription is divided by the number of weeks entered, up to 2 decimal places.
Print One Patient per Page - separates patients in a group onto different pages of the report.
Packagers - generates the report for prescriptions assigned to the specified packagers. Packager options display if the packagers are active for your pharmacy.
Group By - groups patients by the specified area, cycle, floor, or wing.
Patient Name, Drug Name - sorts the report by patient last name then drug name, strength, and form.
Patient Name, Fill Date - sorts the report by patient last name then from oldest to most recent fill date. For prescriptions with the same fill date, the prescriptions are ordered by prescription number.
Patient Name, Rx# - sorts the report by patient last name then in ascending order by prescription number. Narcotics and regular prescriptions are grouped together.